The Bread Ministry Team is the second face of St. Patrick's Church. Our dedicated team members took
baked bread weekly to visitors who have signed our guest book in the narthex. This ministry is a way to
follow up with guests who visited on Sundays and thank them for visiting us. In this small way, we hope
to connect with our visitors, show appreciation for their visitation, and hope they will return to get to know the soul of our church family.
As a Beloved Community, we care about women caught in the web of sex trafficking and our goal is to
show love and support to these women in the CATCH Court, Freedom a la Cart, and Butterfly programs. CATCH (Creating Autonomy Through Collaborative Healing) is a special weekly, 2-year supportive, caring alternative to incarceration court docket where women transform from victim to survivor.
St. Patrick's supports the Dublin Food Pantry through weekly donations of food, time, and treasure as we work to sustain the direction of Jesus to feed the hungry.
Franklin County Children’s Services provides Christmas for several thousand children under their care each holiday season. St. Patrick’s has generously supported this program for over 30 years.
The FoH facility at Main and Carpenter has about 125 residents. These are men that work and are actively looking for permanent residence. St. Patrick’s has been serving hot, home-cooked meals here for over 25 years.
St. Patrick’s offer support, both financially and in volunteer hours, to Habitat for Humanity, Central Ohio, making home ownership possible for families who otherwise face unstable and substandard housing. Working with 14 other churches in our Northside Adopt-a-House Partnership also presents a unified impression of the work and love possible through our Lord.
Kairos Ministry is an collaborative ministry of people who are currently incarcerated in the penal system and people on the "outside" to explore what it is to have a walk with God, a daily relationship, and learn what it is to build trust in another person, a hard thing to come by inside.
The Lay Eucharistic Visitors ministry consists of visiting members of our parish who cannot attend church in person and sharing the eucharist with them.
Prayer Partners are pairs of parishioners who pray for each other's specific concerns and thanksgivings. Requests are kept confidential and are prayed for by the Partners in Prayer ministry.
Stephen Ministry is a group of lay Christians selected and trained by Stephen Leaders to provide effective, one-to-one Christian care to people in need in our congregation or the community. The heart of Stephen Ministry is rooted in showing Christ’s love by offering an open mind and open heart to listen to the concerns of others.