
The Nursery is available for infants and children, 0-3yrs old, every Sunday morning from 9:15am to noon, and during special events and services. Our nursery is staffed by two paid care-givers.
*Currently nursery is offered during our 9:30am Sunday service and at some special services as well.

Wonderful WigglersWonderful Wigglers for Jesus is our new Sunday School option for children pre-K through 5th grade. Wigglers may leave after the Children’s Sermon at the 9:30am service and to do an activity based on the Sunday lessons. This program is offered from September through May and is divided into 2 age groups.
Every Sunday, Children’s Chapel to Go bags are available in the Narthex on the Children’s table. These bags contain a quiet activity as well as crayons and activity/coloring sheets based on the lectionary theme of day.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is traditionally held each summer during the month of July. This yearly opportunity brings together the children, youth, and adults of our Parish as we learn and grow through play, crafts, music, storytelling, and more!

For 2024, VBS week will be July 15-19. Click HERE to register.

Communion Class
A Children’s Communion Class is offered as needed for families who want their children to have a first communion ceremony. This class is a family learning event in which children are able to tour the sacristy, learn about the elements, discover more fully how and why we celebrate eucharist, and participate in making communion bread for parish use. While available to all children of the parish, this class is considered an
essential component in preparation for those seeking First Communion.

Contact the church office for additional information via email at or by phone at 614-766-2664.
